Nós pensamos além do
Junte-se a nós para despertar a paixão, habilidades no futebol e alcançar grandes conquistas dentro e fora do campo. Vamos jogar #BeyondSoccer!

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A Metodologia Beyond Soccer
O Brazilian United Soccer Academy é uma organização que tem como propósito o desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes, através do futebol-arte brasileiro e do intercâmbio cultural.

Faça parte da #BUSAfamily
Além de todo o aspecto de qualidade esportivo e educativo, o BUSA trabalha o desenvolvimento do inglês a partir de intercâmbios culturais, viagens internacionais e treinamentos e torneios no exterior.

Depoimento de alguns atletas
Veja como nossa metodologia impacta a vida de nossos atletas

BUSA has exceeded my expectations. From the very beginning they left a huge impact on my son. He tried out for multiple travel teams and we let him make the decision himself. When we asked him why BUSA, he said because they remembered my name!

Soccer has brought joy, structure, responsibilities and organization to our routines yet my kids still have fun. The coaches are caring and compassionate. I’ve personally seen the other side of things where coaches are constantly studying and improving in order to provide high-quality soccer practice.

Ryker absolutely loves soccer. He has always enjoyed Rec but joining the travel team with BUSA has had a very positive impact on his life. He is learning to be a part of a team and learning to take responsibility.

Our family loves the coaches, the culture, and the environment that BUSA brings to our Kent island soccer community! My sons are always greeted with a smile, a high five, and a positive attitude to begin their practice or their game.